Digital Advice Platform Configurator
We offer incomparable depth of configuration that enables you to Configure Your Robo Advisor Implementation to be an exact match for your business case, investor preferences, brand, and compliance requirements.

Configure your Brand

Customize the color palette
the font
the links

Customize your contact data

Customize risk disclosures

Dark or
light theme

Configure your Brand
- Customize the color palette
- Customize the font
- Customize the links
- Dark or light theme
- Customize your contact data
- Customize risk disclosures
- Your Logo & Name
Configure your Investments
You can choose what investments to use or exclude and create your own themes and select which themes you want to provide

Configure your Rules Engine
Configure your Investment Policy Statement
Great custom portfolios begin with an Investment Policy Statement. What do you want in yours? See ours in action at https://www.portfoliothinktank.com

Configure your Asset Allocation
What are your asset classes? How many are there? What goes in them? Use our recommendations or choose for yourself. How are they constrained? You have full control.
Configure your Workflow
Start with an account review, end with a side by side comparison? Start with a blank slate, get the lead, send a recommendation? Provide a portfolio diagnostic, optimize an overlay and layout the performance variations? We have dozens of workflows to support your unique business process. You gotta see this.

Configure your Investor Objectives
Investors are unique and have objectives beyond just risk and return. Offer customized objectives to help investors optimize the the right target.

Configure your Integrations
The ultimate digital advice platform must fit your business and tech stack. Whether it’s marketing automation, CRM, PMS, OMS, Aggregators & Custodians. We make sure it fits. Seamless workflows. Built to Scale.
Whether you want to implement your own digital advisors platform, provide
recommendations, get compliant on diversification and process documentation,
or just create better portfolios; we got you covered:
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